Am I glad Santa brought us Super Mario Bros for the Wii! An old school game with a slight kick of better animation but with all the awesomeness of the original. If I have to open endless packages of barbie dolls, Liv dolls, Moxie girls, and Bratz dolls, mom is sure getting a reward.
If anyone has ever attempted to open any one of these packages this Christmas then you feel my pain. Do they think someone will steal it out of the package or something. The packages are not only child proof but adult proof. You either need to hack it open with a machete or find a magic genie who will zap it out of it's prision. There has been bloodshed from sharp plastic or the knife we use to exract the toy.
They are encased in plastic, wound together with wire, then more plastic with more wire and tape from head to toe. Don't forget the thread and clear elastics. Did you see the contraction that holds the hair in place. One wrong move opening it and the dolls hair turns into some kind of do meant for the 80's!
If those dolls came in simpler packaging the world would cancel their attempt at green living. The piles of wasted plastic on all that crazy attempt at pretty packaging could reach halfway to the moon. Insanity I tell you!
After all that torture mom got first dibs playing Super Mario! The Wii game package was simple to open. An added plus. I am addicted, and all writing I planned to do this week could go out the window-yikes!
There are no visions of sugar plumbs in my head only visions of Mario and Luigi stomping on turtles trying so hard to save the damsel in distress who was kidnapped.
I hope your kids got a fun toy that you can play with too!