Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mom's Christmas Reward

Am I glad Santa brought us Super Mario Bros for the Wii!  An old school game with a slight kick of better animation but with all the awesomeness of the original.  If I have to open endless packages of barbie dolls, Liv dolls, Moxie girls, and Bratz dolls, mom is sure getting a reward.

If anyone has ever attempted to open any one of these packages this Christmas then you feel my pain.  Do they think someone will steal it out of the package or something.  The packages are not only child proof but adult proof.  You either need to hack it open with a machete or find a magic genie who will zap it out of it's prision.  There has been bloodshed from sharp plastic or the knife we use to exract the toy.

They are encased in plastic, wound together with wire, then more plastic with more wire and tape from head to toe.  Don't forget the thread and clear elastics.  Did you see the contraction that holds the hair in place.  One wrong move opening it and the dolls hair turns into some kind of do meant for the 80's!

If those dolls came in simpler packaging the world would cancel their attempt at green living.  The piles of wasted plastic on all that crazy attempt at pretty packaging could reach halfway to the moon.  Insanity I tell you!

After all that torture mom got first dibs playing Super Mario!  The Wii game package was simple to open. An added plus.  I am addicted, and all writing I planned to do this week could go out the window-yikes!

There are no visions of sugar plumbs in my head only visions of Mario and Luigi stomping on turtles trying so hard to save the damsel in distress who was kidnapped.

I hope your kids got a fun toy that you can play with too!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas


 Merry Christmas to you all!

May your stocking be full!

May your travels be safe!

May you kick back and enjoy the day!

May the company behave and the food be great!

May you and yours be blessed this Christmas day!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Craften

Boy did I have a craft junkie day yesterday!  I was like a hermit not answering the phone sitting behind the sewing machine in a happy bliss.  Not only did I bake over three dozen double chocolate chip cookies I made eight doll dresses!

My kids and ALL their friends have American Girl dolls.  Naturally I am going to make them some for Christmas.  They are all the same style but with different fabrics.  I'm sure there will be a doll fashion show going on sometime in the near future.

I have the pattern for this style!  If anyone out there in doll land would like it email me your snail mail addy and I would be happy to share it.  I'm in the giving mood!

Todays agenda consists of making more chocolate chip cookies, and writing.  I will finish before the holidays.  I have a goal darn it!

Tommorow I will be in my alter ego, farm girl mode, so the craft junkie will be locked in the closet for most of the day.  I'm sure she will escape at some point but the barn REALLY needs to be cleaned out!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ten things NOT to get kids for Christmas

10. Fruit cake.  Fruit cakes do not make the list for gifts of coolness.  This could anger the child and as you walk out of the room the angry child could throw this at you leaving a nasty bruise.
Hey you never know!


9. Dictionary/Thesaurus.  Big no-no!  No child wants to be reminded of school during the holidays.  This will not be perceived as a subtle hint your kid needs to get better grades in school.

8. Underwear.  Even worse tighty whities or granny panties.  People keep this private please!

7. Socks.  Although practical and in every moms dreams because the dryer monster eats them, not for Christmas.  Especially not your cousins who happens to be a boy.   Grrrrr I still remember that!!!!  Tube socks that went up to your knees with two black stripes going around them.  I threw them in the garbage when no one was looking!

6. Lump of coal.  We all threaten our kids they will get coal for Christmas, but we wouldn't actually do it.....or would we?  Nah we couldn't!

5. Chia pet.  Ch...ch..ch...chia!     

4. Snow shovel with a big red bow taped to it...enough said!

3. Bed sheets.  I have requested those before.  Practical for moms, but kids hate them!  Darn can't sneak anything in can I.  Kudos to me for trying!

2. Yankee baseball cap!  Go Red Sox!  

And the numero uno thing not to get kids for Christmas is......drum roll please........


1. Home made bunny pajama's!  Ralphie we feel for you buddy.  You do not look cool in those PJ's and you won't look cool even sporting your red ryder.


Friday, December 18, 2009

My Ballard from Mr Schuester

I went to visit the Glee club today and Mr. Schuester sang a ballard for me! I know, I know I am so lucky!  Rachel was totally pissed because she has this huge crush on Mr Schuester and I stole her moment!  Sorry Rachel I have seen Mr. Schuester's moves and he can dance!  I know with his ballard he will woe agents for me!


I have this book I have been working on for eons, and I don't know if I should query it.   Revisions and editing are underway, and it has been a blast writing it and getting into my characters head.  Now it is done I ask myself hmmm will I take the next step?  I'm a bit of a chicken right now, but Mr. Schuester understands and wants to help!

Mr Schuester: 
 (young girl refrain)
                       Young girl your book totally rocks.  I love it and so should every agent on the planet.
                       Your aspiring author fantasy.....she wants it so badly.  She knows what she wants from 
                       you. With all the charms of a writer. 
                       She has kept her secret of her writings. ahhh ah ahhh.  Come on she is so close now and
                       the secret is out!

              (don't stand)
                         Awesome agent, awsome agent stand close to me.
                         Awesome agent, oh awesome agent stand close to me.

         (young girl refrain)
 Young girl you're out of you mind your love for writing is not out of line.  You better run girl
           go chase your dream girl.

                     Temptation, frustration so bad it makes her cry.  Beneath that farm girl exterior, ohhh oh oh, 
                     she is a novice in diguise.  Get out of here so you don't have the time to change your mind.   
                     Because I'm afraid your love her book as much as me!

                 (don't stand)
                        Awesome agent, awsome agent stand close to me.
                          Awesome agent, oh awseome agent stand close to me.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

For the love of vampires

There is a vampire craze going on.  If you haven't noticed then you must be living under a rock! We grow up to love vampires as our first experience is the fuzzy little muppet, Count!
This muppet taught me my numbers and when the music stopped and he laughs I have to guess what number comes next.  I never questioned his diet and now wonder if he feeds off Miss Piggy, and is that why Oscar is so grouchy.  Things that make you go hmmm.

Ahh, the teenage years.  Sneaking to watch tv with my mom at night I could watch re-runs of Dark Shadows.  Just loved that show!
Oh Barnibus please bite my neck!  It was the perfect show for the teenage insomniac.  A vampire soap opera what more can a girl ask for!  Note the classic head tilt, and swoop in and bite method used.

Grandpa Munster where to start.  You gave us no hope that we could ever like vampires again!  Why did they all have to wear capes with slicked back hair and slightly receding hairlines...OUCH!  I don't even want to comment on that eyebrow action going on.

So, we should be all thanking Stephanie Meyer for rekindling our love for all things vampire!  Yes, hers may sparkle in the sun but she has set our tv screens on fire with hotness! 

Vampires are back and hotter than ever!  Goodbye to capes, and hair gel!

Hello to leather, cool weapons and kicking hair!

Say hello to Eric from True blood! Stop drooling on your keyboard now!
You must watch this show and you will learn all about fangbangers, V, and what happens when you take to much V!  Not a show for the kiddies so watch when they are in bed.
I don't even know who my favorite character is.  Just to many I like! It's a big time toss up between Eric and Layfyette(a non vampire).  They put the awesomeness in southern vampires from the bayou!  I still wish they didn't kill off Goderic because he was pretty darn cool!

Here we have the classic good brother vs evil brother.  The Vampire Diaries airs on the CW and I'm sure every teen out there is watching this one! 

Kudos to all the authors out there who write about vampires! If you are still under a rock all the recent shows come from books! This is your time to shine!

I am in book heaven with all the new stories to choose from and my book wish list has reached astronomical proportions.  Keep them coming!  My reading switches back and forth between fantasy to romance novels with everything in between.  Maybe my next favorite read will turn movie.

If you prefer werewolves...thats all good too because if you haven't noticed they are back with total awesomeness!

You can leave your comments at how great this post is below :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Purdue is not just chicken

I have been most kindly told by my sister that my use of commas, and my pronoun happy usage needs to be fixed PRONTO!  I guess that is what I get when I sent her chapters one and two, and told her to bash them to the best of her abitity.  I guess I had it coming to me.  Darn it if I only made English class a priority throughtout school.  But have no fear Purdue is here!

She sent this great site, and by golly I will make it a priority to learn a tip or two or three....or four....or one hundred!  See you can teach a semi old dog some new tricks!

Good thing my writing basher is family, I can't be mad with her!  Ok all kidding aside I am grateful to have such a talented sister.  If you go to my farm blog she is a monthly guest blogger on all things green and horticulture.  I know she will give me the non-sugar-coated version of how I did.

See you at the online writing lab at Perdue!  Now no laughing I poured my heart out letting the world know my English is not perfect and giving you the link so you can brush up on all things gramatical!


There is everything here for students, parents, writers, ESL, cover letters, APA guide, MLA guide.   OWL-Online writing lab you rock!

Monday, December 14, 2009


I have been totally addicted and engrossed in the lives of Nancy Botwin and her entourage.  I started with season one and throughout the month made my way to the end of season five.  Every episode has found a way to make my jaw drop, and say oh Sh**!

Trouble dosen't find Nancy...she is trouble and digs herself into endless pits of it, having you wondering if she will ever dig her way out!

This show is so wrong on all levels that I love it!  Her dead husband Judah died leaving her to raise her two sons Shane and Silias.  Silias follows in the family business, and season five ends with Shane possibly killing Pilar, the unofficial ruler of Mexico.

Oh did I mention Nancy married the mayor of Mexico and "drug boss"!  Drama, drama, and more drama!

Andy...well you have to love him even though he is addicted to all things women.

You find yourself pitying Nancy but also screaming...just get a real job!

It's such a mish mash of characters that it is hilarious.

You might look at that mom next door and think twice.  Look at Nancy suburbia mom of Agrestic, CA gone drug dealer.  What kind of trouble will she be in during season six, really can't wait to find out!

So, there are no good shows on during Christamas season  and I need to find another one to watch.  Big Love tops the list right now.  I have seen a couple of episodes and it looks like another show I can get into that is funny.

Chat Weeds with me and leave me a comment!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This ain't your grammy's sewing machine

I like antique sewing machines!  They are heavy, hard to put together, but they were made to last.  This baby has been in the family for almost one hundred years!  That is a long time, and guess what... it works!  It was originally a manual petal machine.  It was passed to my grandma who converted it to electric in the 50's.  It cost her $50 back then to make the conversion. What did she do when the transformation was complete...she put it in the basment closet and it stayed there until two years ago when I took an intrest in sewing.  Broke and stubborn I didn't want a new machine.  She gave me this old gal, and I cleaned it up nice.  How the heck am I going to use this thing?   Thank you goggle goddess search engine!!!  I found a manual and with my mother-in-laws help (She is a sewing machine whiz) we figured it out.

Problem One: There is no speed control.  I almost sewed my fingers together...one to many times!

Problem two: It still smelled like basement.

Problem three: The plugs on this thing could combust at any moment sending the house up in flames.  I'm serious you should see it.

Problem four:  The bobbin gets wound how???  I still don't know even with the manual in hand.

Moving on....

My Aunt laughed at me when she saw my new sewing machine.  I guess she was expecting at least a machine that was white and didn't weigh two tons.  She came with her mother-in-laws machine.  This Singer was manufactored in the 70's.  Yup I was moving up in the world!  Goggle goddess came to the rescue again, and my manual came to my mailbox and I was ready to begin!  I learned well I tell ya!  Because of this gal I know all the components and inner workings of the machine.  There were still lots of parts, but me and  this machine jived well and made many projects together.  My husband struggled to watch as setting up the machine and troubleshooting took longer than the actual sewing.  Well something happened and the bobbin will no longer set right, and it needs to be serviced.  Great, I thought, I only have a zillion projects to finish before Christmas.  Mrs. Cheapo here wanted to bring the machine to be fixed asap, but the hubby had other plans.

Drum roll please....
The Singer of the future!  Wow now I really feel like I moved up in the world!  I picked up my machine for the first time bending my knees making sure I didn't pull my back out.  What the heck is wrong with this thing?  It weighs like two pounds!  Why?  I thought all machines are suppose to weigh over a ton if not more.  I looked at the inner compartments cringing at the thought of learning to put together another machine.  I couldn't bear it...I made my hubby learn the machine and told him if he wanted me to use it he would have to figure it out and tell me!  Yea I put my foot down.  He wanted me to use another machine he would do the leg work.  I wasn't sitting there for hours cursing, and using many cuss words and occasionaly throwing spools of thread across the room...no way, no how!

Five minutes later...
What...impossible.  There is no way he figured out the machine already!  Yup he did!  "Prove it." I said!  I had to see this.  It was true, and so simple it was dumby proof.  There was nothing to figure out, no parts to fiddle with.  Bobbin is so simple to put in I had to laugh in hysterics.  All that time and the new machines do this...sewing made simple.  Oh thank you modern day of technology!  I finished my projects the same day.

Truth one: Yes the parts are made with plastic, and most likely won't live for a hundred years but hey there is a 25 year warrenty!

Truth two: You are guarenteed not to pull out your back lifting it up.

Truth three:  I can't believe I am going to admit it because I like old things, but YES I LOVE THESE NEW SEWING MACHINES!!!

PS I have started using the updated blogger and have yet to find the spell checker button.  I know, I know spell checker is your friend!  If there are many errors feel free to laugh at me and if anyone knows were they have hidden the spell checker, PLEASE tell me and stop me from embarrassing myself into further spelling error humiliation!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What tops your Christmas list

To flip the pages or to scroll the pages that is the question....

I have been eyeing the Kindle and Sony book reader for awhile!  How easy and convenient would it be to download a book straight off of Amazon, right?  I have three kids and going to the bookstore is not high on my list.  I really want to, but my kids have this thing with Borders.  The minute I walk through the doors they grow long teeth and horns start to grow from their little heads.  I don't know what it is, but I can't shop and enjoy the whole book buying experience.  I'm proud that I have fostered their love of reading, but darn it I can't buy every single book in the store for them....what am I the money fairy!  And what about dear mom?  I usually end up leaving with a pile of books for them and I walk out empty handed.  Sheesh! Having a book reader I could be a secret book shopper.  There is nothing like shopping from the comfort of home.   I admit it would feel a little dirty, and maybe some guilt would well up in my throat.  I could do it while they are in school and they would never know.  I feel like I'm commiting a crime already!

Would it feel weird not flipping the pages of a book, holding that book in your hands, not having to worry if you dropped it because paper won't break.  I also happen to love very old books.  There is nothing like going on a book hunt.  I have found some pretty cool old books.  I have books crammed in every nook and cranny!  Would it be beneficial to save space having it all stored on one device or would it make me sad not looking at the cover of my favorite book and holding it in my hands.  I have no fancy to decorate my house, and my books tend to do the job.  Hey, the cover is fine art!  You can switch and put a different book on the top pile every week.

I'm on the fence!  What are your thoughts.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Grand Unveiling

Welcome all!

This blog was a long time coming for me.  It was placed in the back of my brain until this one cold December morning.  It was 8 am and feeding time at the farm was underway.  The water buckets were buckling and expanding as it now was a thick block of ice.  I was outside longer than usual setting up the electric water heaters and defrosting buckets.  By the time I came inside my toes felt numb and if I looked they were probably blue.  I came inside and ran to the coffee pot filling my cup to the rim.  The electric blanket was turned to the max setting and under it I went.

What to do while thawing out?  I'm going to start my other blog!  So here it is!  Hang with me and follow my adventures in writing, crafts, and everything in between.

Just want to give a shout out to some blogs that sparked my inspiration and imagination.
Lisa and Laura I recently found their blog through Miss Snark's first victim blog, and I am now a daily stalker!  Also the seekers at Seekerville I don't think I could have survived nanowrimo without their daily dose of awesomeness!

Nanowrimo winner

I can't believe that a month has passed already. Very mind boggling that I plotted, planned and typed my little heart out and I have an almost finished story. After I submitted my 50000 words I read back my story and found it wasn't half bad. I came up with a decent plot and many twists and turns-some I expected and others that took me by surprise. I still have many chapters to write before I tie up all the loose ends, but can now slow down. I do have a new idea I am dying to type. One little tiny itty bitty hint....urban fantasy/romance that takes place in the dream realm.

Some things I REALLY need to catch up on.

1. Cleaning. I finally got around to unclogging the drain in the bathroom that has plagued me all month. So a shower will now be a shower and no longer a pool.

2 Finish winterizing the farm

3 breeding the goats. The stud is scheduled to be picked up Wednesday to come and hang out with a group of very lovely Nigerian Dwarf does. They have their eyelashes batting, and are waiting for the man of the hour.

4 Christmas decorations. It has been a warm November and the opportunity was there to clean the artificial tree that was caked with dust. It was hosed off and is ready to be decorated!

5. My sleep. Watching Weeds starting from season one is very addicting! I am almost done with season two and dying to know how much more trouble this suburbia California mom can get herself into. I admit the whole basis of the show is messed up and wrong on many levels, but I can't help watching. I guess I am a drama junkie!

2009 Nanowrimo participant

For the month of November my schedule will be as follows.....

Get kids ready for school and send them on the bus
Take care of the farm
Go to my favorite blog for a healthy dose of inspiration and advice at Seekerville
Have breakfast and coffee
write some more
do some housework (maybe)
check e-mail
write-because I write better in early morning when my ideas are fresh!
coffee, coffee,coffee
Hit 2000-3000 words a day. Woohoo!
take afternoon off
homework with the kids
bedtime for kids
write my butt off and hit another 500-1000 words
have a beer!

So if you haven't heard from me don't panic! I will re-surface to take a breather once in awhile. Wish me luck! I am determined to hit 50000 words!

Day 4 word count 5727
Day 5 word count 7500
Day 6 word count 10000 Yes!!!
Day 8 word count 1200 -it was a slow writing weekend, but very productive. My wonderful friend gave me a much needed critique for Book 1, and I came up with a pretty good synopsis to work with for book 2 (my wrimo project). Thank you Katie!
Day 10 word count 15000 and finished Book 1!
Day 12 word count 19600 Lots of words today becuse I was being egged on "What will happen next" By my friend Katie. I had her in total suspense and loved every second of it!
Day 16 25000 I hit the halfway mark! A glass of wine is in order.
Day 21 32000
Day 25 43000 Oh yea I have this in the bag!
Day 28 50000 Nanowrimo winner!