Thursday, February 24, 2011

House Keeping

This yummy looking Blogger award comes from Brenda Drake Thanks Brenda. You're a fabulous blogger buddy! (Go visit because she has March giveaways)

And here’s how the award goes:

1. Thank and link back to the person that gave this award.
2. Share 4 guilty pleasures that you have.
3. Pass the award along to 6 other sweet blogs

I have so many guilty pleasures it is hard to just pick four, but here it goes.

1. Anything coffee flavored. I prefer Dunkin' Donuts extra cream, and extra sweet! I could eat coffee ice cream every day. I even make my own home made ice cream!
2. Coconut. Almond Joys, Mounds, coconut flavored coffee cream, ice cream. Yummy!
3. Dark chocolate, especially Hershey's.
4. Sweet and sour chicken. The more the chicken is drowned in sauce the better.

Now to pass the award on to those who always make me smile when I'm down or frustrated.
Rachel Harrie who invented the Crusade! Thanks for all the hard work!
Cheree Smith Thanks for the stellar book reviews. Go say hi to her because she has lost  an hour -seriously! 
Lydia Kang Medical Mondays always make me smile! Hello fellow Crusader!
New blogger buddy and fellow Crusader E.J. Wesley I'm totally jealous of his blog name!
Ben Spendlove New blogger buddies make me smile, and so does supernatural powers!
Kelly Bryson Thanks Kelly for your critique post. That made me smile!
 AND I'm sneaking in one more just because it's my blog and I can.

To my hubby over at CK Droid who keeps me out of the stone age and in the loop with all this smart phone stuff! How do you shut off the Android again???

Wow, it seems like this was such a busy week in Blogland! So many amazing things going on.

There is a contest at the DNA Writers Blog from gift cards, books, to critiques! Go over and check it out.

Weronika Janczuk is also giving away Learning to Swim By Sara J. Henry. It sounds amazing! Go check out the first chapter on her blog.


Crusader biz-ness I am finally, finally following each one of your amazing blogs. So many creative people out there it makes me HAPPY!

NOW I can get back to a regular blog and commenting schedule prepare for my stalkdom --da da dum!

In order to do this I will be trying out Google Reader. I have each blog organized in folders, and even got around to subscribe to all our Wordpress friends. It might take a couple of days to get the hang of it *says the girl who can't shut off her smart phone*


What you all have been waiting for, right?

The results of the first Crusade challange, because I told a fib.

The secret: I do sing when cleaning the house

Annoying habit: I do make up crazy lyrics and sing them, mostly to my kids!

The lie: I’m jealous of Days of Our Lives and their bloviate story lines. I want to write plot lines where my character dies only to wake up in a coffin alive. Then a "Stefano Dimera,"  makes a look alike of the “dead character,” having them infiltrate the good guys.

I'm on a Days rant and am SO SICK OF THE SAME PLOT LINE. Think of something else would ya!

One last thing....

I want you all to meet my new writing buddy. I had a name list going on at Facebook. My sis-in-law suggested Katniss from the Hunger Games. I think she will be called Katnip! We shall see if it sticks.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The First Crusade Challange

Welcome new followers and fellow Crusaders (click on my crusade badge for more info on the fantastical Rach). I’m excited to follow so many great blogs, and I look forward to getting to know you better. But I have some confessions about me that you should know about. Please don't let this deter you from stalking following me.
Here goes...

I run like a rabbit when Glee is on, and Mr. Schuester is the coolest thing since Edward from Twilight (It is only because he sparkles like a tiara)! Mr. Shue also inspires me to make up silly lyrics to songs and sing them while house cleaning. Katy Perry and Mr. Clean eat your heart out.
Now, Edward, only inspires me to never have 80's hair again. Higher hair is not cooler. We have Mike Posner for cooler!
I still think New Kids On the Block is bad ass, and I would totally blade it to the stage to touch Joey Mac….just sayin.
I’m jealous of Days of Our Lives and their bloviate story lines. I want to write plot lines where my character dies only to wake up in a coffin alive. Then a "Stefano Dimera,"  makes a look alike of the “dead character,” having them infiltrate the good guys.  Although, EJ’s British accent does make me swoon over my TV.
Anyways, I wouldn’t say I’m an angel, but I consider myself a nice person.  I’m a worshiper of chocolate and anything coffee. But my most favorite thing in the world is my family!
*walking out of the confessional now* I didn't swear on a Bible, and one thing might not be true. Can you guess?
A shout out to group 9 and their fuliguline awesomeness!

PS Crusaders I BEG you to lose the word verification for comments. It would save lots of time and I so want to have time to visit all blogs :) There is even a spam button if you use blogger *bats eyeslashes* Pretty please.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where Does Inspiration Come From

Apparently inspiration can come from anywhere! Even in the middle of a shower, when you're lathering up your hair. I bought Suave (rosemary and mint) shampoo based on ONE the bottle was green TWO it reminded me of summer working in the garden and THREE it smells like a herb garden. I admit this winter is making me miserable. I'm trying to think of greener days any way I can, and NO I'm not carrying around sniffing Suave shampoo to get a summer high.

So yes, I was lathering up my hair and I had a lightning strike in the noggin moment. There has been this question about a character that I have been asking myself for at least a month. I am a HAVE TO KNOW type and sometimes on the dramatic side.

 I know I drove my family nutty. They would ask how my day went, and I would respond with I need to know why my character can see Grim Reapers! I know she likes to dress like a biker chick, I know why she took a spastic fit during Science, but why can she see DEATH! Just a little creepy. Thanks to Suave I KNOW, I really know. The sad part is my subconscious knew all along because I sprinkled bits and pieces throughout my MS. It was just my brain catching up with what I already knew. Sigh....

So tell me your lightning strike moment.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Book Love giveaway~~Winner!~~

The contest is now closed. The poems were wonderful, and I had some snarfing moments! Thanks everyone for participating in the Valentine's Day pre-order giveaway. Random(dot)org has announced the winner as lucky #1Brenda Drake. Congrats! Give me an e-mail with your choice of book.

Welcome new followers and fellow Crusaders! I look forward to cyber stalking all of you!

I heart my blogger buddies and I heart books. What a great combination because I feel like giving a follower one pre-order that is on my HUGE list of MUST READ OR DIE BOOKS (for blog purposes I will have to narrow it down, gulp). My Valentine's day gift to you. This contest will close tonight at 12pm EST.

So, all you have to do is make up a silly Valentine's Day poem and leave an e-mail
 Leave it in the comments . A random number generator will determine the winner of a fantastical pre-order below!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Make me laugh with a silly poem
and I'll heart you!

Your choice will be one from the following list.

Possession By Elana Johnson (June 7)

City of Fallen Angels (Mortal Instruments, book 4) By Cassandra Clare (April 5)

Wildefire By Karsten Knight (July 26)

The Liar Society By Lisa and Laura Roecker (March 1)

Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires, book 4) By Chloe Neill (May 3)

Forever By Maggie Stiefvater (July 12)

The Dark and Hollow Places By Carrie Ryan (Forest of Hands and Teeth, book 3) (March 22)

Dead Reckoning (Sookie Stackhouse, book 11) By Charlaine Harris (May 3)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Crusades

Rachel Harrie is on a Crusade to connect writerly folks.
Join the Crusade by Feb 12! That is today, so blog on over to see her.

Monday, February 7, 2011

It Was a Dark and Stormy Blogfest Contest

 The Dark and Stormy Blogfest contest hosted by Brenda Drake judged by Weronika Janczuk IS ON!

I am posting the first line of my story. Please help me spruce it up.

Name: Kerri Cuevas

Title: The Kiss of Death

Genre: YA Fantasy/Supernatural/Romance

It was the old man's lucky day because I was good at being a Grim Reaper.
Update: I am going with the one below. Thank you for all the great suggestions and good luck!

It was the old man's lucky day because I was his Grim Reaper.
Another update. So after having more time to mull over the first sentence I should have went with this. I promise to stop updating.

I am dead, the old man would soon be dead, and I'm the Grim Reaper that will collect his soul.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Another Amazing Contest

It was a dark and stormy blogfest contest hosted by Brenda Drake judged by Weronika Janczuk on February 7-9.