Jeremy Bates, is hosting this fine event which will be full of good company, barbecues, and fun! So hop around, and join the blog party.
Today's topic is What is your favorite activity thus far.
There is one summer activity I do enjoy, and I can only do it when the time is right. Going too soon can be disappointing, and too late is for the birds.
It isn't an expensive activity, and anyone can do it. Wearing something nice isn't required, but I recommend bug spray and a hat.
In New England from mid-July to mid-August is the best time for BLUEBERRY PICKING!
I like finding wild blueberries. The berries are smaller than ones that you find in the supermarket, but they're taste is the BEST! As a canning and preserving fanatic, I pick as much as I can. I know, I'm doing a good job when my fingers turn blue, and my kids call me a smurf.
I make blueberry cheesecake, and blueberry pies. But the bulk of the berries get turned into a delicious jam that I can for the winter and Christmas gifts.
CLICK HERE for my recipe from an earlier post and ENJOY!