Saturday, April 6, 2013

F is for Fyvie Castle

Welcome to the A-Z challenge, where we'll be blogging our way through the alphabet throughout the month of  April. My theme will be places--it may be a specific place, a state, or a country. It will be whatever I think is spooky, beautiful, or intriguing. I'll be rating each stop on the way with those factors, with 5 being the highest score, and 1 being the lowest score. I hope it will inspire any writers, or travelers out there in Bloggerland. So, thanks for stopping by, and enjoy!

F = Fyvie Castle

The tour bus hasn't left Scotland yet, and our sixth stop is Fyvie Castle located near Aberdeenshire.  There is just something about castles, and their tragic history. The earliest parts of this castle was built sometime in the 13th century. It was owned by five powerful families throughout time. The five castle towers represent those families, and are named after them--Preston, Meldrum, Seton, Gordon, and Leith. There's nothing special about the outside of the castle--no moats, large walls, or impressive landscapes. Reading about the inside didn't seem impressive either--great wheel stair, a collection of famous portraits, and a weapon display. But the castle had me at "curse."

The curse of Fyvie Castle
Fyvie, Fyvie, thou’ll never thrive
As long as there’s in thee stones three:
There’s one in the oldest tower,
There’s one in the lady’s bower,
There’s one in the water-gate,
And these three stones you’ll never get!

That’s the proclamation by Thomas the Rhymer who cursed the castle forever and created one of the most interesting haunted myths in the world.

It is told in the 13th century when Lady Meldrum died her body was sealed in the wall of a secret room per her request.She cursed the room, and disaster would fall to anyone who entered. In 1920, during renovations, her remains were found. From then on the castle was haunted by noises and unexplained things. Her ghost is seen, and is called the "Grey Lady."

The "Green Lady" is thought to be Lilias Drummond. In 1592 she married Alexander Seton aka Lord Fyvie. After having five daughters, and no heirs, her husband had an affair--just before Lilias sudden death. Was it a broken heart that killed her, or foul play? Six months later, and her husband married again. That's when the "Green Lady" started to make herself known.

Andrew Lammie, is an 18th century trumpeter who fell in love with Agnes. Her parents didn't approve. When Lord Fyvie found out, he was mad because he wanted Agnes for himself. He sold Andrew as a slave. It is said, Andrew escaped, returning, but only to find Agnes had died. Andrew cursed Fyvie and his family. Each blow of the trumpet would forecast death of each Lord as a reminder of the pain he and Agnes had suffered. Since then a trumpet is heard at night, just before the time each Lord died. There are also reports of people seeing a man standing near the wall.

Spook factor: 4
Intrigue factor:4
Beauty factor: 2


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

It sounds like a delightfully spooky place. Those lords of old were cruel and selfish.

Crystal Collier said...

History is often more interesting than fiction. I think this is one of those instance.

Kate said...

These castles have such fantastic stories!

D.G. Hudson said...

Enjoyed this story about a castle I hadn't heard about. Very interesting. Perhaps the bad attitude of the Lords in this castle caused all the bad luck for the women, and the trumpeter is just reminding any later lords of the consequences. . .

Anonymous said...


Diana said...

cool history

Anstice Brown said...

Nice castle, I love a good curse story!

Julie Flanders said...

A cursed castle, how creepy. I'm glad your tour bus hadn't left Scotland yet, I love your Scottish entries. :)

Unknown said...

Ohhhh I'm in!! I would love to visit a real castle and a spooky story behind it?! Oh YEA!!
A to Z buddy
Peanut Butter and Whine